Your library is not complete without this one.ģ. In this gem, Meisner gives it to you straight on how to live truthfully in the moment under imaginary circumstances. Although I did not train with Sanford Meisner, I was fortunate enough to study with many teachers, including Wynn Handman, who were Meisner disciples. “Meisner on Acting” by Sanford Meisner Meisner or Method? That is the question. From relationships to finding the love and humor in the scene, Shurtelff’s steps will help you nail your audition every time.Ģ. Shurteff’s 12 infamous guideposts have influenced my own work in developing my simple technique to help actors learn how to direct themselves. If you ’re just beginning your acting career, this is a great place to start! It covers everything you need to know to get the part. “Audition” by Michael Shurtleff I consider this book to be the bible for aspiring actors. However, I’d like to recommend six must-haves for aspiring and working actors alike.ġ. Between my Kindle and my bedside table, I have perused and read far too many books to list in one article. This mix is also reflected in my reading list. As an acting coach, my teaching style consists of myriad techniques learned over the years from some very gifted teachers in the industry.

It takes a real education to look natural in front of an audience or camera. “Acting for Dummies” is the silliest name for a book on acting because acting is certainly not for dummies. Photo Source: Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash